Sunday, June 29, 2008

I would prefer to be sleeping...

So its 5:30am and I am wide awake. I woke up about an hour ago to go to the bathroom, and could not fall back asleep once my heart burn kicked in. I hate heart burn. I have never had it before so I was not sure what was going on about a month ago when it started. Then someone informed me that I was experiencing heart burn, and that it meant I was in my 3rd trimester, and also that my baby had hair?? Kind of weird. that I have organized all my baby clothes, gone through my blankets, nursing stuff, put my boppy slip cover on, arranged the bath goodies, ate a piece of bread in hopes that would help my heart burn, I am now here looking at everyone's blog's. I hope you are all asleep and not doing the same thing.

I think I will go put in Chocolat or You've Got Mail and try to fall back asleep :)


cat+tadd=sam said...

My sister had terrible heartburn during her first pregnancy, and then was introduced to Prilosec OTC by her doctor during her second pregnany. She took one of those everyday and never had any heartburn at all. Maybe you should try it, she raves about it!

blah, blah by lindsey said...

i had heartburn really bad too, with all 3 of my pregnancy. you should try that prilosec it is awesome...hope you get to take a nap today ;)

s.lloyd said...

That is a sad story. I was sound asleep at 4 this morning, yep. No problem sleeping here...

Destenee said...

The worst part of the last month or so is no sleep! You are to uncomfortable to fall asleep and once you finally do you have to wake up to pee...and so goes the cycle. The good thing is the SECOND that baby comes out you start to feel human again! Hang in there!

Destenee said...

Way to be a loving and sympathetic husband Sean...if men could be pregnant for just one day...

Kiki said...

On Alison's blog you mentioned something about quad riding. What is that?
(And I've been having heartburn since the first couple of weeks of getting knocked up. Glad to know it'll stay with me for awhile...)

Sammy Pow said...

Chocolat and You Got Mail are probably the worst possible choices for trying to fall back asleep. Those movies grab you from the opening lines and don't let you flinch for the next 2 glorious hours! Oh Jill, you are the cutest!

Jill said...

No BA, you are the cutest. I love how we are so in sync with our movie choices. And you are so right, I don't know what I was thinking when picking my 2 favorite movies to put me to sleep! All I can say was that it was early, and I was not thinking straight.

Kiki, quad riding has been known to speed up the birthing I have heard. Or were you asking what a quad is?!

And thank you all for the suggestions...I just got some prilosec and will start to use it immediately.

MegTyandLandri said...

I have the worst heart burn too. I have to sleep practically sitting up. I don't like to take anything because it only seems to get worse the next day. I am due August 9, I am definitely ready. Go back to sleep!!!

McCall said...

i can relate a little too well. i have had many sleepless night. it is no fun. i guess it is a preview into what we experience when the baby is here. ugh. although i do think i would rather be up because i am trying to soothe a baby rather than because i am soooo uncomfortable!

Maui said...

hmmm I was up at that time, I can't remember what I was doing...

Oh yeah I was at the hospital, watching my wife get a huge needle stuck in her back. Good luck with your last month and a half, enjoy it cause right about the time you were posting this Desi was saying "why did I want to do this? I'd rather stay pregnant!!!"

Heidi Ann said...

I thought of you the other morning when I was wide awake at 5 am. The things we do for our kids!

Kassifrass said...

BFF Jill! You are just too dang cute pregnant! I love it! Miss your face and hope that we can be blog buddies?!

Jenny said...

I never had heartburn until I was pregnant either. The first time I ate alot of tums but this time I've been using papaya enzyme, from the health food store, and it works like a freaking charm!

I'm looking forward to seeing you soon!

The Meachams said...

Hahahahahaaaa!!!! I relate to this post all too well! The count down is on baby! Not much more time to cook and be fully baked :)